about us
Why buy from The Aerialist? Here's a few things about us....

We've been practising Aerial arts for about 3 years now, and we love it. There's no workout quite like it, and the first time you nail that drop or difficult position you've been chasing, it's a feeling like no other. Having now started to make the step into performing, we realised how important it is to have clothing suitable for the rigours of what we ask it to do... so we looked around and found that it's very hard to tell what's any good to use, especially online, and after all we're not just 'popping down the gym'. We had to buy and try until we found leggings that suit us, and we thought 'if only we could tell everyone where to get these...'
'The Aerialist' was born! We only source items that we feel are suitable to actually train or perform in, and we intend to be 100% honest with our customers on this as we go forwards... in other words, if we discover a particular design isn't great for holding it's colour when washed, or a particular style isn't great for silks as it's too slippy, we're going to tell you! Sales be damned - we'd rather people get a great product at the right price, and if it's no good, we'll stop supplying it. (We're happy to receive feedback on any of the products to help us do this - just drop us a mail).
We plan to extend the range out into T-shirts, props and other items as time goes on, so if there's something you want us to look at sourcing, let us know.
Have fun, and go fly!